Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore a second year college student at Community College of Denver With plans to graduate in this spring and transfer this fall. He graduated From Denver’s East High School with Honors in 2020. He was raised in a small, family business environment. He strives for greatness, but never sacrifices satisfaction. He always has a smile on his face. He is patient but persistent. He is creative, yet realistic. He is often described as a “people person.” He greatly cares for his people and acts selflessly to ensure a healthy environment. He completes tasks with purpose and intentionality, using his time meaningfully. He works hard when presented with a challenge, and doesn’t stop until it is complete. He has always been a problem solver, as this is considered one of his strengths. He bleeds positivity no matter what is going on in his world. In alignment with his lifestyle, he has achieved status as the primary student representative for Denver Public Schools department of gifted and talented education in high school, and has since been appointed as a Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Mu Mu chapter president. While he holds personal goals high and close to heart, he takes care of the people he loves without question. He is a doer, and rarely waits for opportunities, he makes them.