Director for Community College of Aurora Career Services.

“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” This quote from Socrates speaks to me as someone who is always striving to learn new things. I believe that there is always something new to learn, to discover, and to improve upon no matter how great we believe something already is. This is why I have challenged myself with getting different perspectives from various fields to round out my own views as much as possible and approach others with an open mind.

As I advance through my Masters program, I am driven by motivating others. The ability to not only achieve things for myself but to be alongside others in their own success in my cohort as well as students and alumni of Colorado State University is something that has continues to give me passion every day as I arrive to campus. The diversity of people I have interacted through working in retail positions has also added to my professional development as I have learned to meet people where they’re at to ensure that everyone gets the most out of each interaction.

Throughout my journey, I have seen many people who are genuinely happy and proud of where they are while others have to drag themselves out of bed each and every day just to function and do a half-way job that they really do not enjoy. This has inspired me in the sense of, “why work in a place where you feel beat up?” While I know that no job is going to be perfect every single day of one’s life, I do know that there are jobs that have a sense of meaningfulness to some people, and not for others. My goal is to help people get to the jobs that they find meaningful. My goal is to help people find where they fit in. My goal is that, while people may not be happy every single day of their lives, they do find happiness in their work as a whole. If we are going to spend 40+ years of our lives working, we might as well make it enjoyable.