Anne Fulton

This year Anne Fulton celebrates 20 years working in the field of Early Childhood Education. Her education and teaching is deeply rooted on the Auraria Campus. Anne received her graduate degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Colorado at Denver School of Education and Human Development. She spent her years as an undergrad at Metropolitan State University, where she earned her Colorado teaching license in Early Childhood Education. Anne’s teaching practice is grounded with a strong foundation in child development, as she has worked with young children in each of the ages that span the early childhood continuum. Anne has proudly served as a preschool teacher at the campus child care center, lab school master teacher, lab school child care center director, early childhood faculty, and department chair. Her current passion is working with community partners and fellow colleagues to advance equality in early childhood and higher education. When Anne is away from teaching you might find her in the mountains or on her yoga mat.