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Jennifer Maxwell | Amanda O’Sullivan

As colleges strive to create welcoming environments for all their students, through equity and inclusion trainings, it is equally important that these trainings be welcoming to all participants. Those with disabilities, are often inadvertently excluded from fully participating in the activities. Fully understanding the lens through which your training is viewed, is a key first step. It is also important to consider the diversity of your audience, when choosing reading materials. The purpose of this workshop is to share techniques for creating equity trainings that are both engaging and accessible. Whether you are providing your equity training face-to-face or online, you will learn some approachable tips-and-tricks and some common pitfalls to avoid.

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

–Describe the experiences of marginalized identities often excluded in equity work

–Identify and/or include materials that are fully accessible to your participants

–Utilize the built-in accessibility features in Desire2Learn (D2L)

–Create and/or curate activities that can be interacted with by a wide audience